Monday, August 4, 2008

Thing #23 Summary

I'm so proud of myself for finishing this awsome journey. It took me a lot longer then 18 hours,but I enjoyed every bit of it. Being an amateur with technology I did get a little frustrated.
I was glad I had all summer to complete 23 Things
So on to the questions.
1. What was my favorite discovery? I really enjoyed Del.ici.ous, Teacher Tube, and everything Google.

2How has this program assisted me? It has affected me in so may ways. Just being able to know what a wiki is is important to me. This will help me at school a whole lot. Of course I can't wait to go back and search more with THINGs.

3.Any surprises? Everything.... I had know idea what the internet had to offer.

4.What could ya'll do differently? I thing the coaches did everthing that I needed to be sucessful.
Maybe a help desk..... but without it I was able to figure it out by myself. YEAH!!!

5.Would you participate in another dicovery? YES

6. I know this will be a huge addition to my Toolbox for teaching.

Thanks again for all your help!!!!!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thing # 22 Nings

Well this shows that social networking can be beneficial. There is so much bad press about My Space and Facebook. I've never had a social networking page. But this would be nice for teachers to share ideas. Personally it would be a great way to keep up with the lives of out of town friends and family. Another new word for my 23 Things vocabulary list....NINGS.

Thing #21 Podcasts & Audio Books

This was the most challenging yet. I tried and tried on my home computer , but I couldn't get Audacity or Photostory to download. Then I looked at other players Blogs and noticed that someone commented that it was on our school laptops, so I logged on there and was able to do the small Audacity. This is a Thing that I will revisit later. I think it would be very neat to use with your students. I almost gave up!!!

Thing 21

Thing # 20 continued

I'm very familiar with You Tube. I view it all the time. This summer I was watching an Oprah
repeat and and the founders of You Tube were spotlighted. It's amazing what's on it. I thinki in the classroom you need to be very careful what your students are viewing. This was the first I search Teacher Tube. There is all kind of stuff about ESL Strategies.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thing # 19 2.0 Awards

Wow! Coaches it looks like all the sites you've let us explore are all award winners. Ya'll are the best and greatly appreciated. I was happy to see Craigslist as a winner. I'm very familar with
that site. I have it as one of my favorites. There is so much you can do with your students.
A family tree to share would be very neat for elementary. Takes the place of the old time "All About Me "project