Friday, June 27, 2008

Thing # 7

I never realized Google had so much to offer. I have Google Earth on my Favorites at home, we use it all the time. I thought the calendar will be very useful. You were right, many people think of Google as only a search engine. I've been trying to move my avatar to the top of my blog with no success. This is turning out to be really great. Thanks to all that have made this possible!!


Grendel said...

Google Earth wasn't one I was used to, but I noticed how fond of it the younger teachers and their students were and decided to have a look. I was hooked!Someone else had the same problem with the avatar I will read through the comments because I think someone found a solution.

VWB said...

it has to do with Page Elements on the Layout tab of your dashboard...can't remember for sure, but I think you can clack on the box for your avatar and drag it to the side bar...then you can choose to rearrrange the things on your side bar.

otherwise, delete it from the bottom and then resave it on the side bar