Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing # 14 Technorati

You were right very slow getting on, but once I did I understand that through blogging information you not only get the experts facts but every day people's opinions. As a result of this you have to be careful that you realize that just becuase a blog is hit a lot does not mean the info is correct.

In reality it's shocking to see how much is out there in cyberspace. I realize that the inter net is a daily learning tool. With Blogs everyday people can be heard. Technorati is a little too advanced for elementary. It didn't seem like there is any censorship. That's a liitle scary for elementary students.

I did not register my blog because I do not think My Blog is quiet up to standard.......but you never know what my future holds.

2/3 's the way to go!!!!!! Yeah!

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